Jan Overdijkstraat 60
3551 VJ Utrecht
The Netherlands
+31 6 00 00 00 00
We do the hard work, we collect all the bricks you need to build a specific MOC, without having to search the internet in (multiple) shops to buy them separately. So you can do what you love/want to do most: Build the MOC! No additional fees!
It saves you time and money in collecting bricks from (multiple) shops around the world. Waiting for the complete set, sort them and be ready to be build can be frustrating and takes a lot of time. We do that now for you!
The price of the box is based on the (world-)average unit-prices for the individual pieces.
We try to deliver a box containing a minimal of 96% out of new bricks needed for the MOC. When pieces are rare and hard to get, we’ll use used parts. When used parts are also rare and hard to get or when a brick is no longer available we’ll contact you. Together we can search for an alternative brick or make a deal for a discount or refund.
It depends if we have the box in stock or if we have to collect the individual pieces for you.
We only accept payment in EURO.
You can pay with:
When you pre-order you claim a spot in the next shipping batch.